Updated 7/05


KU Athletics will make best effort to provide an autographed item signed by a Head Coach (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) for charitable entities upon request. Requesting group to provide item for coach’s signature or KU Athletics will provide for a fee of $50.00 to cover the costs of KU Athletics.

KU will offer a limited amount of autographed team basketballs (men’s or women’s) to charitable entities. There is a $50.00 cost associated with autographed team balls to cover the costs of KU Athletics.

Requesting group will submit a Donation Request Form to the Athletic Marketing Office. If request is for a charitable entity, Donation Request Form is submitted to compliance for approval. If KU is providing ball, a check for $50.00 made out to Kansas Athletics must be enclosed.

If request is for an autographed item by a coach and approved by compliance, Donation Request Form is returned to Marketing for fulfillment (either acceptance or denial). If denial, Marketing sends letter explaining why request was denied. If accepted, Marketing calls requester to set-up time for requester to come in and drop off item to be signed (unless KU is providing). Once Marketing has signed item Marketing will mail to requestor (or requester can pick up) along with a letter reiterating NCAA rules about using items to benefit any potential student-athletes.

If request is for autographed team ball and approved by compliance, Donation Request Form is sent to Athletics Director for his signature (or designee) prior to being sent to Marketing for fulfillment. If denied, Marketing sends letter explaining why request was denied. If accepted, Marketing calls requester to set-up time for requester to pick up autographed team ball (or Marketing can mail) along with a letter reiterating NCAA rules about using items to benefit any potential student-athletes.

Due to volume of requests, KU Athletics will only fulfill autographed team basketball requests from the state of Kansas and greater Kansas City, MO. For other requests, KU Athletics will make best efforts to fulfill requests in the Big 12 Conference region.

KU Athletics will provide a maximum of one autographed item per organization, per year. Receipt of an item in no way guarantees subsequent donations.