STAFF (601B)

Updated 7/05


In support of Kansas Athletics high employment standards, staff members are encouraged to seek regular advice, counsel and feedback on their job performance. Although this feedback can be obtained from a number of sources, it should be sought primarily from the employee’s immediate supervisor. Supervisors are encouraged to provide both positive and corrective feedback to assist the staff member in achieving his/her maximum potential on the job and in meeting performance goals and standards set by Kansas Athletics, the supervisor and the employee.

In addition to meeting or exceeding job performance standards, employees are also expected to display behavior consistent with Kansas Athletics policies and procedures. So that employees understand what is expected of them, it is the supervisor’s duty to insure that staff members receive an appropriate orientation to job responsibilities and Kansas Athletics procedures, as well as related on-the-job training.

Supervisors are also responsible for initiating annual performance evaluations. These evaluations, besides discussing job performance or work-related shortcomings, should also offer suggestions for strengthening job performance and maintaining successful employment relationships. If problems are identified during the evaluation or at any other time of the year, they should be addressed promptly, directly and constructively.

Purpose of Review

The performance review should be conducted to achieve various purposes, including but not limited to the following:

1. To provide an opportunity for staff to present an organized overview of their activities and accomplishments;

2. To identify ways to enhance job satisfaction and performance;

3. To enable staff to identify career opportunities and to integrate these with the goals of the work unit;

4. To encourage individual initiative and creativity in the workplace;

5. To foster communication between supervisors and their staff; and

6. To provide a regular opportunity to build a record of performance for use in merit recommendations, indefinite appointment reviews, promotions and other personnel actions.

Evaluation Conferences

Evaluation conferences are scheduled annually to review each employee’s progress relative to achieving the agreed-upon goals for the year. Employees are asked to self-evaluate themselves and then the supervisor will complete the evaluation form. The evaluation may include recommendations for performance improvement, a restatement of set goals and a timetable for achieving improved performance and/or goals. The employee and supervisor will set agreed upon goals for the coming year. A copy of the evaluation is retained for the employee’s personnel file. Additional conferences may be scheduled as needed during the year to identify any existing problems and to make any modifications warranted in the identified goals.

At the completion of the evaluation review, all parties involved attest to the proceeding by signing a statement signifying that the review has been completed. Signatures do not denote approval of all comments within the document, but only that the evaluation form has been reviewed by all concerned parties. If the employee wishes to record agreement or disagreement with the written evaluation, he/she may submit a written statement, which is placed in his/her permanent file along with the evaluation.

Grievance Procedures

Staff members who disagree with the criteria or methods of performance review may file statements of their objections with the Director of Human Resources. A copy of all registered objections is to be included in the employee’s permanent file, as well.