Jayhawks Fan Code of Conduct

Kansas fans pride themselves on a long tradition of good sportsmanship and conduct. In support of this tradition, Kansas Athletics’ staff will proactively support a safe and fun experience for our guests. Kansas Athletics’ events will be free from the following behaviors:

  • Foul, obscene, offensive or abusive language or actions
  • Public intoxication or other signs of impairment related to alcohol consumption
  • Possession or use of illegal drugs
  • Smoking (including the use of electronic cigarettes)
  • Fighting and unruly or inconsiderate behavior
  • Selling items, including tickets, on University grounds
  • Interfering with the progress of the event, including throwing any object onto the field or going onto the playing surface
  • Failing to follow rules/instructions of stadium personnel
  • Sitting in a location other than the guest’s ticketed seat
  • Indecent or obscene clothing or signs
  • Destroying property
  • Conduct that endangers participants or spectators
  • Criminal trespass

Those who choose not to follow Kansas Athletics’ Fan Code of Conduct will be subject to ejection without refund. Ticket holders are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their guests or persons occupying their seats. If you witness any patrons demonstrating the behaviors listed above during an event, please notify security (police officers, or usher in a red shirt/vest), call (785) 864-2377 or send an SMS text message to 69050, keyword KUHELP.