Policies and Procedures - 704C Facilities: Strength and Conditioning

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Updated 7/05


The Kansas Athletics strength and conditioning program is designed to enhance the physical well-being of its student-athletes through strength training, flexibility, anaerobic conditioning, nutritional consultation, sports-specific physiological analysis and rehabilitation. The Head Strength and Conditioning Coordinator manages the operation of the strength and conditioning programs and reports to the Senior Associate Athletics Director. Other strength and conditioning staff members are delegated responsibility for specific sports’ training programs under the direct supervision of the Head Strength and Conditioning Coordinator.

All 18 intercollegiate sports teams are provided access to strength and conditioning training facilities. Based on physiological evaluations, the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator works closely with each sport’s Head Coach to design individual programs for every student-athlete. In general, each student-athlete is encouraged to complete a prescribed number of training programs during each 12-month cycle.

Because student-athletes’ physical well-being is essential to their success both as a student and as an athlete, Kansas Athletics takes responsibility for helping them reach and maintain their optimum physical condition. To achieve this goal, Kansas Athletics has established a comprehensive Strength and Conditioning Program to lessen the possibility of injury or re-injury. However, should an injury occur, Kansas Athletics is committed to the students’ complete rehabilitation as well. It is important to remember that if a student-athlete has been injured, he/she must have clearance from the Director of Sports Medicine or an Athletic Trainer before working out.

The Strength and Conditioning staff provide the best program available while maintaining the highest safety standards.

All intercollegiate athletic teams have a strength and conditioning program designed specifically for the rigors of their individual sport. Each program addresses flexibility, strength, aerobic conditioning, anaerobic conditioning and body composition and are designed on an individual basis. These programs are then carried out under the direction of one of the Strength and Conditioning staff members and integrated into the team strength and conditioning program. Individual and team assessments are carried out periodically during the year. If a student-athlete wishes to further personalize his/her strength and conditioning program, he/she should make an appointment with the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach. A schedule of facility use times will be distributed to each coach at the beginning of each month. Priority is given to teams in season, then to preseason teams, lastly to post-season teams. All scheduled times are exact and will not be altered to accommodate student-athletes who arrive late.

Individual use of the Strength and Conditioning facilities may be arranged through and at the discretion of the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach. At no time will scheduling of individual time supersede team use of the facilities.

Weight Room Rules

The following Weight Room rules have been established for users:

  1. A student I.D. is required.
  2. Adhere to scheduled workout times.
  3. Spotters should be used for all near-maximum-effort lifting.
  4. Food or drink is not allowed in the facilities.
  5. Tobacco or spitting is not allowed.
  6. Shirt and shorts/sweats are mandatory. All attire must be deemed appropriate by the staff. Take care that no slogan or illustration on t-shirts is offensive to other student-athletes.
  7. Athletic shoes are required. Flip-flops, sandals, muddy shoes and bare feet are not acceptable.
  8. All weights and dumbbells must be returned to their proper racks. Weights are not to be left on the floor.
  9. If a student-athlete wishes to use a weight belt, the student-athlete must provide his/her own.
  10. Horseplay is not allowed.
  11. No audio systems of any sort are allowed inside the Weight Room (i.e. tape/CD players, radios, etc.)
  12. A member of the Strength and Conditioning staff or the student-athlete’s coach must always be present for workouts in the Weight Rooms.

In the event of a disciplinary problem, the Strength and Conditioning staff has the authority to eject a student-athlete from the facilities.

Work Environment

The work that takes place in the Weight Room is serious in nature, but at the same time it is hoped that student-athletes will feel comfortable in this environment and enjoy their workout sessions. The majority of their time in the Weight Room should be spent working to improve their strength fitness. Loitering and annoying others is a waste of everyone’s valuable time.

All student-athletes who use the Strength and Conditioning facilities should do so productively. Student-athletes should arrive at their scheduled time, begin their workout program and go through the session with a positive attitude and a minimal waste of time if they are to obtain a quality workout. Student-athletes should approach each workout session as an opportunity to improve themselves so they can perform better at their sport.


Safety in the Strength and Conditioning facilities depends upon following weight facility rules. The Weight Rooms were established so student-athletes would have the opportunity to become stronger and more injury resistant. They are not places where injuries should occur.

Spotters serve two basic purposes: (1) To motivate or encourage a student-athlete to achieve maximum performance; and (2) to supervise the student-athlete’s workout in order to make it safe for him/her. Student-athletes should always have someone spot them when performing exercises, such as the bench and incline presses and the squat. The spotter should be prepared to assist the lifter when the weight cannot be raised.

Student-athletes should be aware of other people around them when performing any exercise. If persons are in the way, there is always the possibility of dropping a weight on them or hitting them with a barbell. On machine exercises, spotters should have their hands clear of the machine before beginning to exercise.

If an injury should occur, a student-athlete should immediately contact the nearest Strength and Conditioning staff member. An Athletic Trainer will then be called to evaluate the injury. If the injury is severe, the Student Health Service or Emergency Room will provide treatment. A Strength and Conditioning staff member must be contacted immediately if a student-athlete is injured while working out.