STAFF (601C)

Updated 7/05


The evaluation of coaching performance is an on-going process, conducted by the sport supervisor throughout the year and not just during the season of the coach’s sport. The evaluation process is designed to assist the coach in identifying his/her strengths and weaknesses, and as such, is an effective communication tool between the Director of Athletics and the coach.

All formal evaluations to be used in recommending salary increases, continuing a probationary employee or invoking disciplinary action must be documented in writing. See Policies 401B, Budget: Salaries and Wages and 603A, Coaches and Administrators: Employment Contracts for additional information. Each Head Coach is responsible for assisting with the evaluation of the sport’s assistant coaches.

Evaluation Conferences

Evaluation conferences are scheduled annually by the Sport Supervisor to review the head coach’s progress relative to achieving the agreed-upon goals for the year. As a follow-up to each conference, the Sport Supervisor summarizes the meeting in a letter to the head coach. The text of the letter may also include recommendations for performance improvement, a restatement of set goals and a timetable for achieving improved performance and/or goals. A copy of the letter is retained for the coach’s personnel file. Additional conferences may be scheduled as needed during the year to identify any existing problems and to make any modifications warranted in the identified goals.

At the completion of the evaluation review, all parties involved attest to the proceeding by signing a statement signifying that the review has been completed. Signatures do not denote approval of all comments within the document, but only that the evaluation form has been reviewed by all concerned parties. If the coach wishes to record agreement or disagreement with the written evaluation, he/she may submit a written statement, which is placed in his/her permanent file along with the evaluation.

Grievance Procedure

Should non-renewal of a coaching contract be recommended, the coach may request a review (within his/her contract guidelines) in order to present his/her views. Moreover, he/she must receive the appropriate termination notice, as required by his/her employment status. Also see Policy 601G, Kansas Athletics Staff: Termination in this Manual.