Kansas Softball Seeking Team Manager

Aug. 16, 2007


The <?xml:namespace prefix=”st1″ ns=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags”?>University of Kansas Softball Program is currently accepting applications for the position of manager for the 2007-08 academic year.

This position will be responsible for video operations, practice and game day organization, and other administrative and on field activities. Duties will include, but are not limited to: video breakdown, recruit mailings, field preparation, equipment set-up, and other practice and game preparations. It is recommended that each applicant have a background in the game of Baseball or Softball as well as experience working with computers and video equipment.<?xml:namespace prefix=”o” ns=”urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office”?>

If you are interested in this position, please contact Asst. Coach Christi Musser at cmusser@ku.edu.